All posts tagged: kids

How can we stop school violence?

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By law, schools are required to report violent incidents and states are required to make that information public. Few states are following this mandate. In the aftermath of yet another agonizing, senseless school shooting, it’s impossible not to ask how can we prevent this from ever happening again.

How can we stop school violence?
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Tips to make school lunches healthier

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From the school board to the statehouse, the food served at school is the focus of debate.The statistics that started the food fights are familiar: One in five U.S. children is overweight, and increasing numbers of them are developing type 2 diabetes, an illness that used to be limited to adults.

Tips to make school lunches healthier
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Second grade: What your child should know

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The purpose of this segment is to help connect what is known about students’ cognitive development with what you want them to understand about science concepts and the nature of science. Use this brief description, combined with your knowledge of your students, to guide you in making instructional decisions appropriate for your grade level.

Second grade: What your child should know
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The Art of Managing Middle School Students

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Squirrels. That is what they remind me of. We were all that age once and we were all just like squirrels! Have you ever watched a squirrel? Zoom, freeze for two seconds, flick tail, and repeat. The trick for being a successful middle school teacher is holding their attention for more than just those few seconds. Believing that that is possible requires a huge leap of faith and trust.

geofreightThe Art of Managing Middle School Students
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